SnowWolf Wing Snow Plows

SnowWolf Wing Plows

Feel the power with SnowWolf Wing Plows! The first of its kind, the signature AutoWing plows and QuattroPlows allow you to switch between angle plowing, wide-angle plowing, pushing and back blading all on the fly.

SnowWolf’s standard QuattroPlow line features four models and the Apex Series boasts the heaviest plows in their class.

Standard Features:

  • Multi-Directional Containment Control.
  • One Attachment, 4 Functions
  • Simply Plug and Go!
  • Roll Snow Effortlessly.
  • Get More Done!

apexplow xt

Snowwolf wing plows

 Blade Width Options8′
Machine Operating Range10,000 to 20,000 lbs
Blade Weight2,800 to 5,200 lbs
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Apexplow hd

Snowwolf wing plows

 Blade Width Options10′ to 12′
Machine Operating Range15,000 to 30,000 lbs
Blade Weight4,700 to 5,200 lbs
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quattroplow TR

Snowwolf wing plows

 Blade Width Options7′ to 9′
Machine Operating Range3,000 to 6,000 lbs
Blade Weight1,105 to 1,274 lbs
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quattroplow hd

Snowwolf wing plows

 Blade Width Options10′ to 12′
Machine Operating Range15,000 to 30,000 lbs
Blade Weight2,995 to 3,385 lbs
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quattroplow xt

Snowwolf wing plows

 Blade Width Options9′ to 11′
Machine Operating Range10,000 to 15,000 lbs
Blade Weight1 1,464 to 1,575  lbs
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Snowwolf wing plows

 Blade Width Options7′ to 10′
Machine Operating Range6,000 to 10,000 lbs
Blade Weight11,132 to 1,345  lbs
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